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Modified Mix Seal Surfacing (MSS⁺)

Modified Mix Seal Surfacing (MSS⁺) is a thin dense graded bituminous surfacing for low to medium volume traffic bituminous roads. MSS⁺ provides a durable wearing course, on a well-prepared granular or bituminous base on bituminous pavement. Main ingredients of MSS⁺ are crushed natural aggregate, customized modified bitumen emulsion, and mineral admixture. MSS⁺ mix is prepared at ambient atmospheric temperature as per designed job mix by mixing the ingredients at ambient atmospheric temperature using concrete mixes or modified hot mix plant (without any heating). MSS⁺ can be laid in 25 mm to 30 mm thickness at ambient temperature using a conventional hot mix asphalt paver.

Distinct Advantages of MSS⁺

  • Cost-effective road surfacing than conventional thin hot mix asphalt.
  • Environment-friendly as no heating of aggregate and bitumen is required.
  • Easy to construct.
  • Enhanced durability.
  • Compatible with different types of aggregates.
  • Construction feasible in all weather conditions.
  • Less manpower and machinery requirements.
  • Resistant to water damages.
  • Reduces Carbon Footprints.
  • Enhances the service life of the pavement.
  • Customized MSS⁺ gradation envelop provides a dense graded bituminous mix, which provides a comparatively "better wearing course than conventional MSS⁺.
  • Improved Mechanical Strength than conventional MSS⁺.

Method of Application

Surface on which MSS⁺ is to be applied shall be inspected first thoroughly to identify surface distress and irregularities. In case of a granular base course (WBM or WMM), the granular surface shall be made free from dust and surface irregularities, and a prime coat shall be applied using cationic bitumen emulsion SS-1 confirming to IS:8887. Quantity of prime coat shall be 0.7-1.0 kg/sq.m. and it shall be applied as per the clause 502 of MORTH specifications, approximately 8 to 10 hrs before laying of MSS⁺ to ensure sufficient absorption and penetration in the granular surface.